That Kangen® Water Couple

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Kangen Healthy Healing Water


Kangen is a Japanese word, best translated into English as "Return To Original" which means several things when used to describe water. Kangen water is simply an easier way of stating… Alkaline, ionized, anti-oxidant electron rich, restructured, micro clustered, active hydrogen saturated, oxidation reduced, powerful living water.

It is trademarked and makes our lives a whole lot easier than having to say all this each time. What the name brand Kleenex is to tissue paper we are to alkaline ionized water.

Kangen Water is first purified, then given an electrical charge to recreate electron rich water.

It's molecular formula shifts from H2O to H+ OH-
In plain old English.... It's now living water again.

Kangen water can Flush Toxins and Neutralize Acidity in your body. Kangen water is water that has gone through a Special Electrolysis Process that changes the pH of the water to ALKALINE and much, much more.

First, it describes water returned to the state in which water was often foundin nature before the earth became polluted.
Second, it implies that it will help to return your body to its original condition when you were young.

Kangen water is a powerful antioxidant, perhaps more powerful than any single food or vitamin supplement because Kangen water contains active hydrogen which supplies huge amounts of extra electrons to our body.

Most other water electrolysis equipment will not create active hydrogen in their water, therefore, the equipment merely produces ionized alkaline water, not true Kangen water.

In fact, the antioxidant potential of a single glass of Kangen water would cost several dollars to duplicate with vitamin supplements, and they would never be absorbed by our body the way water is.

The Kangen Water Technology has been approved for its medical benefits by the Japanese Ministry of Health & Welfare. (The Japanese equivalent of the FDA ).

It's unique characteristics are recognized in medical fields for their effectiveness in assisting the body to rebuild itself from dehydration and the many types of illnesses and diseases that are linked to it.

Some of the areas that people have noticed improvements in their health include arthritis, chronic fatigue, leg cramps, migraines, diabetes. Also heartburn, poor circulation, gout, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, hypertension, asthma, skin rashes, dermatitis, psoriasis, obesity,weight issues, diarrhea, indigestion, heart disease, allergies, constipation,stomach ulcers, hepatitis, cancer, and many more areas have had considerable results.

Kangen water is also known to have small clusters of 5 to 6 water molecules , as a result of the electrolysis process. Making it a Super Hydrating water. You can taste the difference in your first glass. Tap water is typically 12 to 15 molecules per cluster. That is over double the size of Kangen water.

Small clusters also mean that your body can readily absorb the minerals in this water into your cells in mere seconds. Reverse Osmosis, Distilled and tap water will slosh around in your stomach and often flush key minerals out of your body because they lack these important properties.

This is particularly important for your metabolism since smaller elements pass through cell membranes more easily and eliminate acidic wastes and toxins from your body more effectively. With this water, your body will enjoy the quicker cellular hydration and super waste elimination.

The electrical charge of Kangen machine re-arranges healthy minerals that are naturally included in your tap water. As a result, Kangen water contains essential minerals, such as Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium, in an ionic form that can be assimilated immediately into your body.

It is now a common knowledge that a lot of medical benefits come from anti-oxidant properties.

Dr. Otto Warberg received the Nobel Prize for discovering the cause of cancer - this being lack of oxygen which is low alkaline pH. No disease can exist in an alkaline environment. Japanese medicine has proven this over the last 15 years.

The electrical charge of Kangen machine rearranges healthy minerals that are naturally included in your tap water. As a result, Kangen water contains essential minerals, such as Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium, in a form that can be assimilated into your body more easily. As you probably know already, it is now a common knowledge that a lot of medical benefits come from anti-oxidative property.

Oxidation Reduction Potential (O.R.P.) is a measurement of voltage.

When it is measured as a negative millivolt this is life enhancing. ( Electron rich )

When measured with a positive millivolt it is life depleting. (Proton rich)

When you reduce active oxygen from the water you increase its power to slow down the oxidation process by eliminating "Free Radicals" safely from your body. This effectively helps to slow down the aging process.

Active oxygen is not healthy for the body and is what you feel if you have ever exercised too hard and felt your lungs burn. This is the type of oxygen reduced and removed from the water. Dissolved Oxygen is the kind that Dr. Warberg discussed and is what you want left in the water to create a healthy, strong body.

This ORP factor is perhaps one of the most important characteristics of Kangen Water because this is what distinguishes it from any other water on the market. Including its lesser grade cousin, Ionized Alkaline Water.

The reading of mV indicates the millivolts of hydrogen electrons present in the water available to bond with the free radicals and flush them out.

· These machines can produce incredibly functional waters, called Super Kangen Water (ORP: below -550mV) and Super Acidic Water (ORP: over +1000mV).

· While they are not meant for drinking, the power of these two waters, particularly Super Acidic Water, has been recognized and widely used in various medical practices in Japan for many years.

The only 5 aspects of Kangen water we are allowed to speak of or write about are:

Abnormal gastrointestinal fermentation

Chronic Diarrhea


Hyperacidity and

The astringent effect.

Although these are the bases of more significant illnesses, speaking of them is against the law. There are numerous cases in clinical studies conducted by doctors or pharmacists that found drinking Kangen water helps the body heal itself from various diseases.

It is also known that driving out active oxygen from the body with Kangen water inevitably boosts the natural healing power of the body.


Flushes toxins.
Disarms Free Radicals.
Restores alkalinity in your body.
Increases stable oxygen in your body.
Enhances delivery of nutrients.
Cooking with Alkaline water improves the nutritional value and the taste of food and drinks such as, tea and coffee.
It makes acidic foods and drinks more alkaline.