That Kangen® Water Couple

Kangen FAQ's

How can kangen water improve my health?

Kangen water has several properties that helps the body to achieve a state of homeostasis. Once in homeostasis, the body can heal itself.

One of these properties is that the water is highly alkaline. This alkalinity helps to neutralize the acidity in our bodies, which leads to many problems. Disease cannot thrive in an alkaline body.

Also, the water helps to neutralize free radicals.

What is ORP?

ORP, Oxidation Reduction Potential or Redox Potential, is a measurement of water’s ability to oxidize contaminants. The higher the ORP, the greater the number of oxidizing agents.

What is Alkaline Water?

Alkaline water is known as Kangen water in Japan and literally means "return to original." Alkaline water has been used in Japan for more than 40 years and has been shown to help restore the body to its original, healthy condition. When tested for ORP (oxidizing reduction potential), it shows a NEGATIVE reading. It has an adjustable pH reading of 8.5 - 9.5, making it alkaline, which is the opposite of acidic.

Alkaline Water is the alkaline part -- with settings of 8.5, 9 and 9.5

Where can I buy the water?

Unfortunately, we do not sell the water, we just sell the machines. There are some health food stores that sell the water, but these places are rare. The reason the water isn't sold separately is that it loses some of its qualities the older it is. When you pour a fresh cup of water from the sink, it has many active OH- atoms, but over time, many of these evaporate. So if you're drinking bottled kangen water, it will not be as powerful as drinking fresh kangen water.

What machine should I buy?

The most powerful unit is the Leveluk SD501. It has 7 plages in the electrolysis engine and makes water with the lowest ORP. It is approved as a medical device. It also makes strong acid and strong alkaline water, which have many uses.

All of Enagic's machines make alkaline water with a low ORP so any of them would be a good choice.

How are the machines sold?

The machines are sold through distributors like us and this website. Your order is processed by us and your machine is shipped out in 3-5 business days. We are an authorized distributor and you can place an order simply by sending us an email or calling us direct.


Is the machine difficult to install?

No, the machine is quite simple and only takes a few minutes to install. You can have it sit on your counter next to your sink, and connect it to your faucet. An instructional DVD and an owners manual are included with your purchase.

Where can I get a new filter, some more electrolysis enhancer, a calcium cartridge or other accessories for the machines?

Direct from us, the distributor.

How is the water made?

The process for making the water is very simple. The machine simply connects to your faucet, you turn on the power, then the faucet and the magic begins. The regular tap water is initially purified by the internal filter and then ionized via electrolysis. This results in the water being separated into two; alkaline (hydrogen-rich) and acidic (oxygen-rich).

And all this combines to give the alkaline water a pure, fresh taste which keeps you hydrated and tastes better than any water you've had before.

Better yet, you can make as much of it as you want, saving you dollar after dollar that would have previously been spent on bottled water that is just no substitute.

What has the Japanese Research shown?

This is a medically tested and proven approach to preventive action. The Japanese Ministry of Health - the equivalent of the FDA here in the USA - is unbelievably strict. They reject application after application for pharmaceutical drugs, and yet have approved Emco Tech's units as medical devices. Keep this in mind. This isn't just an appliance for your home, it's a medical device.

What are the uses of Alkaline/acidic water?

1. Daily drinking water. To keep the body properly hydrated and assist with colon function.

2. For taking supplements. Alkaline water has outstanding dissolving, extracting and anti-oxidizing properties that will enhance the effectiveness of any supplements you may be taking.

3. As a skin toner. Use mild acid 5.5 pH water as a skin toner to give your skin a healthy, radiant shine.

4. After consuming alcohol. Dilute the acidity of the alcohol and prevent hangovers. Use alkaline water ice cubes with your drinks and ingest a sufficient quantity of alkaline water before bed to prevent a hangover.

5. For drinking during meals. When eating acidic foods such as meat, egg yolks, white bread, etc, drinking kangen water will help balance the pH.

6. For brewing tea and coffee. Alkaline water prevents tannin in the tea and allows the tea to infuse fully, creating a rich color and taste. In coffee, kangen brings out the aroma, color and naturally acidic taste. Only half the amount of coffee beans are required to create the same full taste.

7. For cooking. Alkaline water can be used to soak vegetables and meats, eliminating the strong smells of onions or any game meat, for example. Alkaline water will bring out the natural flavors in vegetables as well as a rich color in spinach and other greens.

This natural flavor will require less stocks and seasonings to be used. Kangen also has stronger heat conduction than regular water, effectively cutting as much as 30% from cooking times. There are an estimated 30,000 restaurants and eateries in Japan already using Alkaline water to prepare their food and the quality and cleanliness of Japanese food is world-renowned.

8. For cut flowers and plants. Plants experience great results when watered with ionized water. The life of cut flowers can be lengthened and health restored to sick plants. Seeding and germination are also enhanced using the water and for varieties such as roses, which require a more acidic environment, simply select an acidic setting of water for use.

9. For pets. Unpleasant odors from both their bodies and waste will be eliminated. They will also experience the same great health benefits as humans.

10. For Artists and Painters. Alkaline water is exceptional when mixing paints. Colors are more vibrant and a smoother texture is created. The brush glides across the surface with ease.

11. As an anti-bacterial cleaner. Use the the acidic water setting to create a 100% safe and natural anti-bacterial cleaner. Kills 99.9% of bacteria on contact. Can also be sprayed directly onto the skin and into the throat to prevent a cold. Also ideal as a 100% safe alternative for bathrooms, baby areas and toys.

12. As an all-purpose cleaner. Use the the strong alkaline water setting to create a natural, chemical free cleaner for glass, tiles, bench tops, etc.

The uses are many, but the single greatest benefit remains improved colon health. As you already know, a large portion of the free radicals in your body are created by a toxic colon. Free radicals also account for 70% of chronic diseases, such as cancer and diabetes. Every day you remain dehydrated and every day you don't take action against the free radicals being produced in the colon, you are basically encouraging disease in your body.

Do you recommend we only drink Alkaline water and forget about other supplements?

I believe we need to do 3 things:

1. nourish our cells
2. flush toxins from our cells
3. rebuild our cells

Alkaline water will flush toxins from our cells, but it won't nourish them with nutrients or rebuild them. Marine Phytoplankton is the best whole food nutrition available and Adult Stem Cells are the only thing can can rebuild them.

I think all 3 have a synergistic approach and work together to ensure the best possible health.


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